Bresenham’s Algorithm: C Code For Bresenham's Circle Drawing Algorithm
Bresenham's circle algorithm is derived from the midpoint circle algorithmWe cannot display a continuous arc on the raster display. Instead, we have to choose the nearest pixel position to complete the arc.From the following illustration, you can see that we have put the pixel at (X, Y) location and now need to decide where to put the next pixel − at N (X+1, Y) or at S (X+1, Y-1)This can be decided by the decision parameter d.
- If d <= 0, then N(X+1, Y) is to be chosen as next pixel.
- If d > 0, then S(X+1, Y-1) is to be chosen as the next pixel.
Step 1 − Get the coordinates of the center of the circle and radius, and store them in x, y, and R respectively. Set P=0 and Q=R.
Step 2 − Set decision parameter D = 3 – 2R.
Step 3 − Repeat through step-8 while P ≤ Q.
Step 4 − Call Draw Circle (X, Y, P, Q).
Step 5 − Increment the value of P.
Step 6 − If D < 0 then D = D + 4P + 6.
Step 7 − Else Set R = R - 1, D = D + 4(P-Q) + 10.
Step 8 − Call Draw Circle (X, Y, P, Q).
This is the program In C:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | conio.h dos.h stdio.h process.h graphics.h math.h void main() { int r,gd,gm,d,x,y; printf("\n Enter Radius For Bresenham's Circle Drawing : "); scanf("%d",&r); detectgraph(&gd,&gm); initgraph(&gd,&gm,"bgi"); d=3-2*r; x=0; y=r; do { delay(30); putpixel(300+x,300+y,14); putpixel(300+y,300+x,14); putpixel(300+y,300-x,14); putpixel(300+x,300-y,14); putpixel(300-x,300-y,14); putpixel(300-y,300-x,14); putpixel(300-y,300+x,14); putpixel(300-x,300+y,14); if(d) d=d+(4*x)+6; else { d=d+4*(x-y)+10; y=y-1; } x=x+1; delay(10); }while(x=getch()); closegraph(); } |
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