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Program in C to Find 'N' Queens on an "N x N" Board

 A.K.A - "N-Queens Problem"
(Note: I computed till 15. N-Queens is only defined for  N>= 4)
 Manipulate the constant named "MAX"
#define MAX 8
int q[MAX] = { 0 };

void printem()
        int i, j,k;

        for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {


        for (j = q[i], k = MAX - j; j > 0; j--) {



        for (; k > 0; k--) {


 }//Outer for ends

int dist(int x, int y)

 if (x > y)
        return (x - y);
 return (y - x);

int match(int i, int j)

    int k, xi, xj;
    for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
       xi = k;
       xj = q[k];

       if (xi == i || xj == j)
            return (0);
       if (dist(i, xi) == dist(j, xj))
            return (0);
    for (; k < MAX; k++) {
        q[k] = -1;
    return (1);

int main()

    int i = 0, k, ci, cj;
    for (k = 0; k < MAX;) {

       if (i >= MAX)  // My Version of Back tracking
           printf("nBackTracked... %dth Queen", k + 1);
           while ((q[k] + 1) >= MAX)
           i = q[k] + 1;

       ci = i++;

       if (match(k, ci) == 1) //k - x axis. ci - y axis.
            i = 0;
            q[k] = ci;
    } // for loop ends
    printf("nThe Queens: ");
    for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
       printf("n%d: %d", i + 1, q[i]);

    //printem(); //remove comment to see how it looks on the board


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